Table of Contents


  1. Ethics
  2. Domestic Society
  3. The Village and the City
  4. Politics
  5. International Society
  6. Spiritual and Temporal Power
  7. Catholic Action
  8. Particular Historical and Contemporary Cases
  9. Art
  10. Speculative Philosophy


What is the Josias?
The Editors

Integralism in Three Sentences
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

1.  Ethics

1.1. The Final End

The Good, the Highest Good, and the Common Good
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

The Object of the Moral Act
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

The Foundations of Christian Ethics and Social Order
Peter Kwasniewski
Part IPart II

Contrasting Concepts of Freedom
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

Freedom as Choosing the Good, Against the Nihilists
Peter Kwasniewski

1.2. Law and Right

Notes on Right and Law
Petrus Hispanus

1.3. Virtue

Notes on Moral Virtue
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

2.  Domestic Society

2.1. Its Relation to Civil Society

Aristotle’s Account of the Relationship of the Household to the State
Beatrice Freccia
Part IPart II

On the Relation of the Individual Person and the Family to Civil Society (Against Personalism)
Henri Grenier

The End of the Family and the End of Civil Society
Charles De Koninck

2.2. Education

On the Modes of Teaching
Jeffrey Bond
Part IPart IIPart III

2.3. Property

The Lawfulness and Social Character of Private Ownership
Henri Grenier

Thomism and Private Property
W Borman

Aquinas on Buying and Selling
Thomas Storck

The Sin of Usury
Thomas Storck

3. The Village and the City

Nature and Art in the Village
John Francis Nieto

Urbanism and the Common Good
Nathaniel Gotcher

4. Politics

4.1. Ends of Civil Society

The Dignity of Politics and the End of the Polity
Henri Grenier

On Political Atheism
Tommaso Maria Cardinal Zigliara, OP

Political Authority in Homer’s Odyssey
Jeffrey Bond

Four Basic Political Principles in Christian Philosophy
Felix de St. Vincent

4.2. The Sovereign

4.2.1. Nature of Sovereignty

War in the Hobbesian State – Sovereignty’s Justification and Limit
Jeffrey Bond

4.2.2 Legitimacy

A Note on the Legitimacy of Governments
Daniel Lendman

Dubium: When is Any Government “Legitimate”?
Felix de St. Vincent

On the Subject of Civil Authority, and On Resistance to Tyranny
Henri Grenier

The Duties and Rights of Subjects toward the Civil Power
Tommaso Maria Cardinal Zigliara, OP

The Illegitimate State as Chastisement
Gregory de Rivière-Blanche

Taming the Woes of Leviathan: Direct Democracy and the Problem of Authority
Michaël Bauwens

4.3. Citizens and Subjects

Catholics and the Ethics of Voting

4.4. Possible Forms of Government

Republican Liberty and the Common Good in the American Tradition
Felix de St. Vincent

Logos and Leviathan: Leonine Perspectives on Democracy

Hard Liberalism, Soft Liberalism, and the American Founding
Edmund Waldstein, O. Cist

4.5. Jurisprudence

Introduction to Natural Law Jurisprudence
Brian M. McCall
Part IPart IIPart IIIPart IV

4.6. Alternative Theories of Civil Society

Right, Left, Forward, or Back? Or Why I Am Neither Left Nor Right
John Francis Nieto

Liberalism’s Fear
Adrian Vermeule

Theses and Responses on Antiamericanism

Fisher Ames: Forgotten Critic of the American Regime

Have the Principles of the Right been Discredited?
Gabriel Sanchez

“According to Truth”
Adrian Vermeule

Integralism versus the Marxist and Post-Marxist Left
Vincent Clark

5. International Society

World Government is Required by Natural Law
Henri Grenier

The Needy Immigrant, Nationalism, Globalism, and the Universal Destination of Goods
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

Catholicism and the Natural World
Thomas Storck

6.  Spiritual and Temporal Power

6.1. Catholic Integralism in General

Integralism in Three Sentences
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

Integralism and Gelasian Dyarchy
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

Catholic Integralism and the Social Kingship of Christ
Gabriel Sanchez

The City of God: An Introduction
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

On the City of God Against the Pagans
Alan Fimister

Exhortation to the Restoration of Christendom
Dom Gérard, Abbot of Le Barroux

A Reflection on St. Pius X and Contemporary Approaches to Catholic Social Teaching
Gabriel Sanchez

Against Political Iconoclasm
Nathaniel Gotcher

6.2. The Catholic State

The Catholic State: Anachronism, Arch-enemy, or Archetype?
Peter Kwasniewski

The Question of Res publica Christiana in Post-conciliar Catholic Doctrines
John Rao
Part IPart IIPart III

Dyarchy is Dyarchical: A Reply to Meador
Joel Augustine

On the Subordination of the State to the Church
Tommaso Maria Cardinal Zigliara, OP

6.3. Religious Liberty

The Young St. Thomas on Tolerating Heretics

Religious Liberty and Tradition
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.
Part IPart IIPart IIIPart IV

Dubium: Can the State Limit Non-Catholic Religions?
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

A Critique of John Locke’s Letter Concerning Toleration
Derek Remus
Part IPart II ­– Part III

Locke’s Doctrine of Toleration: A Contract with Nothingness
Jeffrey Bond
Part IPart IIPart III

On Liberty of Conscience
Tommaso Maria Cardinal Zigliara, OP

On Liberty of Cult
Tommaso Maria Cardinal Zigliara, OP

On the Utility and Necessity of Prohibiting Harmful Books
St. Alphonsus Liguori

On Liberty of Teaching
Tommaso Maria Cardinal Zigliara, OP

Excommunication and the Efficacy of Ecclesiastical Sanctions
Peter Kwasniewski

On Dignitatis Humanae – A Reply to Thomas Storck
Thomas Pink

Thomas Becket, Integralist
Dan Whitehead

7. Catholic Action

The Primary Political Question: A Response to Milco on Liberalism
Petrus Hispanus

Confusion on Catholic Action: A Reply to Petrus Hispanus
Gabriel Sanchez

Response to Sanchez on Catholic Action
Petrus Hispanus

Catholic Action and Ralliement
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

Celeberrima evenisse
Benedict XV

Four Catholic Political Postures: Lessons from Leo XIII and Ralliement
Felix de St. Vincent

15 Ways to be a More Effective Pro-Life Advocate

Ralliement: Two Distinctions
Adrian Vermeule

8.  Particular Historical and Contemporary Cases

Quare Lacrymae
Pope Pius VI

Charlie Hebdo and the Illiberal Catholic

A Catholic Political Party in Wilhelmine Germany
Golo Mann

Mit brennender Sorge
Pius XI

Dubium: Is Integralism Essentially Bound Up with Racism, Nationalism, and Totalitarianism?
Gabriel Sanchez

The Lake Garda Statement: On the Ecclesial and Civilizational Crisis
The Roman Forum

Considering the Effects of Obergefell vs. Hodges in Light of Catholic Doctrine on Marriage
James N Berquist

St. Bernard and the Theology of Crusade
Benet Oxon

Debemus: In Defense of Fr. Cessario, Bl. Pius IX, and the Catholic Faith
Frater Asinus

Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Critique of Integralism
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist.

9.  Art

The Philosophy of Art
Thomas Storck

Nature and Art in the Village
John Francis Nieto

10.  Speculative Philosophy

On Recovering a Genuine Thomism in Our Times
Peter Kwasniewski

Error as a Parasite
Peter Kwasniewski

Is Man an Individual?
Ian Bothur